The Adventures of Poor Frank VIII


Poor Frank’s Nightmare

By Ray Adams

 Poor Frank had a very bad dream the other night.  Not surprisingly, it involved a bridge hand and his chief rival, Lucky Archie.


Dealer: South

Vulnerable: NS


North’s double was negative.  West chose not to lead from the heart tenace or the hand might have had a different outcome, instead picking the ten of diamonds.  This went to the queen, king, and ace.

Lucky Archie drew trumps in three rounds, ending in hand.  He then advanced the queen of clubs, obviously intending to finesse.  Poor Frank reasoned that his partner must hold the ace of hearts for his overcall, as South had already shown up with 14 points.  And declarer must have no more than a heart singleton.

     Poor Frank was certain that Lucky Archie would try the finesse again if he ducked his club king the first time.  After all, anything else was beyond Archie’s limited bridge imagination.  This would lock declarer on the board when Poor Frank took his king the next time.  Now the defenders could force Archie to ruff with his last trump and eventually set him.  Thus, Poor Frank played the ♣7 on declarer’s queen and smiled to himself as he patiently waited to strike like a deadly cobra.

     Lucky Archie continued by leading the jack of clubs as expected, but when West followed with the five, he called for dummy’s ace, dropping Poor Frank’s king.  He then proceeded to take twelve tricks for a top board.

    When the hand was over, Lucky Archie asked Frank in his most condescending voice, “Why didn’t you take your king of clubs when you had the chance?  Then I would only have made five for an average board.”

    Poor Frank woke up in a cold sweat, knowing that not even in his dreams could he best Lucky Archie.

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